Monday, November 1, 2010


Miss Beth has been HORRIBLE about posting and I apologize to all of my followers. Just because she hasn't been posting, doesn't mean that we haven't been busy!!

Before I launch into all of that, check out this new book called Dogscaping!! We have really enjoyed the small yard Miss Beth has for us, but she gave the yard some thought before planning it because she knew that we would be running all around and checking out every nook and cranny!!

This book might be helpful for your people if they are planning a new yard or trying to improve their old yard.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Boykin Spaniel Club of America Award - May 19, 2010

Please come out and join us on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. for a presentation by the Boykin Spaniel Club & Breeders Association of America to the State of South Carolina, honoring the State for all that it's done to promote and preserve the Boykin Spaniel Breed, the official State Dog of South Carolina!

The award ceremony will be at 12:00, noon on the South steps of the Statehouse. Representative Ted Vick will be accepting the award on behalf of the State of South Carolina. Any and all Boykin Spaniel lovers are encouraged to be there to show their support for all that the Boykin Spaniel Club and the Legislature have done to support this wonderful breed! I'll be there too :) Can't wait!!!!!

I'm still here!!!

Although Ms. Beth hasn't posted anything in a while, I am still alive and doing well!! Right now she has me in training for a 5k on June 5th to benefit our local Humane Society. My Aunt Madison is training with us as well. I like going on run/walks after work. So much to see and do!
Ms. Beth also has us in training for the Rally and Obedience Trials this coming weekend at the S.C. State Fairgrounds! I will be competiting in Rally Novice and Ms. Beth is crossing her fingers that I will get qualifying scores both days and earn my Rally Novice title. She's nervous, but I'm not!! ha, ha. Rally is fun to me!! And training for the 5K is fun too ;)
We'll keep you posted on our progress!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm a Canine Good Citizen!!!!

On Tuesday night, Ms. Beth took me to an AKC Canine Good Citizen test. It was very exciting!! First, she had to fill out some paperwork, and then I had to wait my turn to show them what I could do!!
There are 10 exercises, or 10 stations that I had to "pass" in order to receive my Canine Good Citizen designation. These are the 10 tests I had to pass:
1. Accepting a Friendly Stranger
2.Sitting politely for petting.
3. Apperance and grooming
4. Out for a walk on a loose lead
5. Walking through a crowd
6. Sit and down on command (staying in place).
7. Coming when called
8. Reaction to another dog
9. Reaction to distraction
10. Supervised seperation
I passed all 10 stations and it was really a lot of fun!! Didn't stress me out at all. Ms. Beth says that I am too cute some times :) Overall, it was a great experience and I'm so proud to join the ranks of other Canine Good Citizens all across America!!
If you'd like more information about the Canine Good Citizens program, please visit:

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rally Novice - My 1st Leg!!!

Well, I had an exciting weekend with Ms. Beth and Uncle Jackson! On Saturday morning we traveled up to Simpsonville, SC for the Dog Obedience Club of Greenville Rally & Obedience Trial. Ms. Beth entered me into a Rally Novice Class. She wasn't sure if I would stay focused the whole time in the ring because there would be no hot dog treat rewards like there are in practice. She was especially worried because I was sooooooooo distracted while we were outside. She kept telling me to focus, but there were so many things to see and smell out there.... it was really hard for me to focus!! And it was such a beautiful day, and the birds were singing, and there were people and dogs everywhere....
Anyway, she was a little bit nervous, I could tell, so I thought that I might better focus a little bit more. I don't know why she was so worried.
When it was our turn in the ring we started off together and she used her happy voice and so I knew everything would be fine. We had to do one exercise over because I sat down instead of laying down, but Ms. Beth said that it wasn't a big deal. She gave me lots and lots of lovies when we got out of the ring. I was so glad to make her happy!!!
Ms. Beth was talking with our friends who have a Gordon Setter, Corey, and she was so excited that they had earned a score of 95 out of 100! Pretty awesome! But I'm just as awesome as Corey, because we earned the same score! Ms. Beth was surprised, but I wasn't. She asked for me to focus in the ring and I did, so of course we did well!!
And then we got to be back in the ring and get a pretty green qualifying ribbon and a squeaky doggie toy that looks like a dog bone!! I call it my Rally Bone and it is my ALL Time favorite toy right now!!!
So, now I have earned my first qualifying score for a Rally Novice title. I have to earn 2 more qualifying scores and then I will have an RN after my registered name.
I think this Rally stuff is going to be pretty cool!! I'll keep you posted on my progress. Until then, happy training with your people :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Rally show!!

For those of you who are wondering, yes, I am still alive!!! Ms. Beth has just been slack about posting for me ;P
Currently I am enjoying the warmer weather and Ms. Beth has been working with me on my Rally skills. We are entered in the Dog Obedience Club of Greenville Obedience & Rally Trial on Saturday, March 27 in Simpsonville, SC.
Ms. Beth is also planning to enter me in some conformation shows in the month of April!!!
So, we're busy, busy. I hope that Ms. Beth will post pictures soon. But I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be Easter poses involved with the next pictures!! Ha, ha
Until the next time!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Barns, BBQ & Bales of Cotton

While we were down in Charleston last weekend, I also had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Kirby Player, who is the editor of a great new book called "Barns, Barbecue & Bales of Cotton." This is a pictorial book showing old barns all across the state of South Carolina, giving the history of barbecue in South Carolina and an overview of all of the top agricultural commodities in South Carolina. If you or someone you know loves old barns, barbecue or agricultural history in South Carolina, you will LOVE this book!! It is on sale right now for $39.95 plus shipping and handling. Go to: All proceeds from the sale of this book go towards supporting agricultural youth education programs, including S.C. Commissioner's School for Agriculture, which is a program that Ms. Beth works with every summer, promoting career opportunities for young people in the Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource industries. For more information about SC Commissioner's School for Agriculture, please visit: